In Memoriam: Paul Chapin, 1938-2015
July 8, 2015
Statement prepared by Tom Bever, Cecile Mckee and Merrill Garrett (University of Arizona)The language sciences and the Arizona Linguistics community lost a truly valueddefender and friend on July 1, 2015, with the death of Paul Gipson Chapin from AcuteMyeloid Leukemia, in Tucson Arizona. Paul was born December 27, 1938, in El PasoTexas, son of John Letcher Chapin and Velma Gipson Chapin. In 1962, he married SusanLevy of New York, his beloved spouse of 53 years who survives him and will continue toreside in Tucson. Other survivors are: sister Clare Ratliff of Santa Fe, NM; children EllenEndress of Beltsville, MD, John Chapin of Alexandria, VA, Robin Chapin of Honolulu,HI, and Noelle Green of...