Florian Hafner

Douglass Building, Room 222
About Florian Hafner
I started out young an innocent studying to become an English teacher. Teaching is my innate passion and there's nothing more fun to teach young people on their way to future success. I then majored in English and decided to do my MA with a minor in TEFL. I also spent some time at the California State University San Bernardino and at the University of Pittsburgh before coming to the UofA here in Tucson, Arizona, my favorite school.
Since my first week at college, I'm a sound kid. For some reason, I've fallen in love with phonetics and it's been like this ever since. I'm also a champion of being open to as many interesting disciplines and fields as possible so that I've always tried to bring phonetics to whatever I was doing, be it SLA or sociolinguistcs or just my teaching. I might not have very specific research interests, as I strongly believe that being open will eventually enrich you more, but I do have a broad background in many linguistic subdicplines such as SLA, phonetics, phonology, sociolinguistics, sociophonetics, conversation analysis, discourse markers, and quotative like.
Here at the UofA, I'm currently preparing to become a Professor of Practice for the undergraduate level. I've been taking lots of classes in teaching and education, minor in Speech and Hearing, and hope to eventually achieve my goal of becoming a college instructor for undergraduate students.
In the meantime, I try to enjoy life to its fullest, travel to many more countries (#39+3) all over the world, watch my favorite sport Formula 1, party every week and enjoy time with my friends. And if there's something fun or crazy around, be sure that I'll be there!