Jennifer Roth-Gordon
Associate Professor, School of Anthropology

Jennifer Roth-Gordon (Ph.D. Stanford, 2002) Associate Professor of Anthropology. Research interests: Linguistic anthropology, race and the body, critical race studies, whiteness, language, culture, and power, language ideologies, youth language, ethnographic discourse analysis; Brazil
Selected publications:
- Race and the Brazilian Body: Blackness, Whiteness, and Everyday Language in Rio de Janeiro (University of California Press, 2017)
- 2012 Linguistic Techniques of the Self: The Intertextual Language of Racial Empowerment in Politically Conscious Brazilian Hip Hop. Language & Communication. 32(1): 36-47.
- 2011 Discipline and Disorder in the Whiteness of Mock Spanish, in The Multiple Voices of Jane Hill, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 21(2): 210-228.
- 2009 The Language that Came Down the Hill: Slang, Crime, and Citizenship in Rio de Janeiro. American Anthropologist. 111(1): 57-68.
- 2007 Racing and Erasing the Playboy: Slang, Transnational Youth Subculture, and Racial Discourse in Brazil. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 17(2): 246-265.
- 2007 Youth, Slang, and Pragmatic Expressions: Examples from Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 11(3): 322-345.