Mike Hammond


Douglass Building, Room 308


About Mike Hammond

I am a professor in the Department of Linguistics. I also have appointments in the Cognitive Science Program and the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Program. My research is in the areas of phonology, speech technology, computational linguistics, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, English, and poetic meter.

Recent Publications

(to appear) “Illustrations of the IPA: Northern Welsh”, Journal of the IPA. (E. Bell, D Archangeli, S. Anderson, M. Hammond, P. Webb-Davies, H. Brooks)

(2022) “Orthographic epenthesis and vowel deletion in Welsh”, Journal of Celtic Linguistics 23, 115-136. (Hammond, M. & Hannahs, S.J.)

(2021) “Data augmentation for low-resource grapheme-to-phoneme mapping”, Pro- ceedings of the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Pho- netics, Phonology, and Morphology, 126-130.

(2020) Python for Linguists, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(2020) “Category-specific effects in Welsh mutation”, Glossa 5, 1-26. (Hammond,

M., Bell, E., Anderson, S., Webb-Davies, P., Ohala, D., Carnie, A., & Brooks, H.) (2019) “Voiceless Nasals in Welsh”, Journal of Celtic Linguistics 20, 31-60.