Remo Nitschke
About Remo Nitschke
Linguistics PhD and Human Language Technology.
I am working on ways to make neural machine translation technologies accessible to low-resource language communities. On the theoretical side, I currently work on the Syntax of German adjectives and on topics pertaining the evolution of language.
I'm an RA with the ToMCAT project.
Research Interests
Morphosyntax, Adjectives, Evolution of Language, Computational Linguistics, Parsers, NNs, NMT
Selected Publications
Talks given:
"On the Extended Projection of German Adjectives", A0: The Adjective as a Lexical Category, Bled-Slovenia, 10/13/2018
"Using Genetic Evidence to Make Linguistic Arguments: pitfalls and opportunities", PLC 43, UPenn, Philadelphia, 03/24/2019
"Viel Geliebt: German participal adjectives and degree words", ALC 13, University of Arizona, Tucson, 10/25/2019