Rudolph Troike
Professor Emeritus, Department of English

Rudolph C. Troike (PhD University of Texas [Austin], 1959) Professor of English. Research interests: Syntactic universals, especially WH-phenomena, and typological universals; American Indian languages, especially northern Mexico and Texas; American English; Chinese and Korean syntax; History of English grammatical analysis.
Selected publications:
- "Subject-Object Concord in Coahuilteco," Language 57:3, 658-673, 1981.
- "McDavid's Law [History, Phonology, and Sociology of a Southern Sound-change]," Journal of English Linguistics 19:2, 177-205, 1986.
- Bibliography of Bibliographies of the Languages of the World, Vol. I: General and Indo-European Languages of Europe. John Benjamins, 1990.