Colleen Patton completes internship at a Gaelic Language Center

Sept. 6, 2016

3rd year PhD student Colleen Patton completed a 5 week internship at the Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle (The Columba Center Islay). Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle is a language and culture center located in Bowmore, Islay. Outside of general office and reception duties, Colleen was primarily tasked with the reorganization and management of materials collected under an oral history project, Seanchas Ìle, which took place 10 years ago. With input from her coworkers at ICCI, Colleen created videos that aligned the Gaelic audio, Gaelic transcript, and English translation. The videos can be accessed at ICCI's youtube page, link included in this post.